Minggu, 14 September 2014

My Autobiography.

Hello everyone! My name is Yossy Dejanti. I was born on 10th April 1999. So im currently a 15 years old girl. I was born and raised in Bandung. I live at Wuluku street number 2. I have two siblings. Their name is Denisha and Fathur. Denisha is 13 years old, she is studying at a boarding school. Meanwhile Fathur is a 4 years old boy.

I started my school at Muthmainnah kindergarten. And i was graduated from SDN Babakan Surabaya and SMPN 14 Bandung. Now i am a 10th grade student at SMAN 3 Bandung. Which is known as the best school in Bandung. And yeah i'm proud to be part of this school.

I love food, but what i love the most are chocolate and cakes, i also love photography, i love reading novels, i love listening to music and i love a korean idol called Super Junior. My dreams are travelled the world, and collected all the books from my favourite authors. Sometimes i'll be super tired in the morning, because of my insomnia or because of my bad habits of reading novel and fangirling over my idol until a really-latenight.

I am a pretty quite person. I will be silent until someone asked me or i need to say something. Unless i'm around my close friend. I will be hyper and talk so much.  I'm not good at socialize with people. And because of that, i dont have many friends.

I think that's all from me. Thank you for reading my autobiography.

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